Breast Cancer

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What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer, which is the first among the cancer types that occur in women, is a type of cancer related to the cells in the breast tissue. Basically, it is a disease that occurs when one of the cell groups that make up the breast tissue undergoes changes and multiplies uncontrollably.

As a result of this situation, the cancerous tissue spreads first to the surrounding and then to the lymph nodes, together with the tumor that arises. If not diagnosed in time, the cancer spreads to other organs and treatment becomes more and more difficult. In other words, the importance of early diagnosis is very critical in breast cancer as in all cancer types. So, what are the symptoms of breast cancer?

Breast Cancer Symptoms

The most common symptom of breast cancer is a painless mass in the breast that grows over time. Very few patients say that they also feel pain. Other symptoms, although less common, include:

Nipple pulling sensation
thickening of the skin
Irritation of the skin, deterioration
Excessive sensitivity and inversion of the nipple
Pink or red nipple discharge (may occur in advanced homes)

When you see these symptoms in yourself, you should definitely consult your doctor.

What Are the Stages of Breast Cancer?

As in other types of cancer, stages are very important for the content and planning of the treatment to be applied in breast cancer. Because each stage represents the stage of the disease. Breast cancer stages are as follows:

Stage 0: It represents the state of cancer cells that have not gained the potential to spread and are completely limited in the breast.
Stage 1: At this stage, although cancer cells gain the potential to spread, they are smaller than 2 cm. They are also confined to the breast.
Stage 2: The tumor has a size between 2 cm and 5 cm. The cancerous tissue may or may not have spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
Stage 3: The tumor may be of different sizes. cancerous tissue; It may have spread to the breast skin, lymph nodes under or above the collarbone, axillary lymph nodes, chest wall, or lymph nodes near the rib cage.
Stage 4: The cancerous tissue has spread to organs such as liver, bone, brain or lung and has spread to lymph nodes at different points in the body.

To reiterate, the importance of early diagnosis in breast cancer is indisputable. For this reason, especially self-examination and regular check-up are details that should not be skipped. For early diagnosis of breast cancer, it is recommended that women aged 20-40 should self-examine once a month, and women aged 40-69 should have a mammogram every two years and self-exam once a month.

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